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Showing posts from April, 2008

Most Popular Programming Languages

I came across an interesting article ranking the popularity of programming languages. Java is the most widely used language. Contrary to my belief that C++ was slowly replacing C as the middle-level general purpose programming language of choice for many, C remains much more popular than the C++ even though they are both declining minimally in terms of influence. In fact, C++ was overtaken by PHP and Visual BASIC to move from 3rd to 5th position. Anyway, here is the source.

Amateur Virtual Investing Using Google Finance

Investing in the stock market is not just for people who have money but also for broke people like myself who want to shell out virtual dollars to make smart and profitable investments that gain them nothing more than the illusion of being a rich person. I recently decided to invest $50,000 of my own money in the stock market using Google Finance . It is very easy to set up an investment portfolio if you have an account with Google. One can find lots of information about companies to invest in, track the stock over time, evaluate its performance in terms of some industry parameters and compare it with similar companies. Buying and selling stocks is effortless. I decided to invest about $50,000 in sectors that should grow and be profitable during this economic recession. Energy seemed like a good choice because of the price of oil. Whichever company could provide energy, preferably cheaply and efficiently would be worthy of my investment. Cost of energy has driven up transportatio...

Eritrean Music

I hate going for a whole month without posting anything. Whenever people ask me how I kill time these days, I tell them that I blog. So, the least I could do is blog once a month over subjects which are becoming increasingly unintellectual. Believe me, I have tried to come up with things worth blogging about, but I got nothing!!! Enough of the rant. I will fulfill my monthly quota by introducing the Eritrean music collection that I just started sharing at IMEEM . Feel free to check it out at . Enjoy.