I have become quite fond of EnviroInks.com, a company that sells aftermarket printer cartridges in an environmentally friendly way, at less than half the price you would pay for them elsewhere. They reuse the empty cartridges you send them back and they give you recycle credit that you could use on your next purchase. Plus, every shipment includes multiple bags so that you can send them old cartridges and cellphones. I love the company for its overall business model. I have had little interaction with their customer service but I suspect it is pretty awesome. Before I forget, let me put my full endorsement of EnviroInks.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I heard this statement quite a bit lately particularly in light of the sub-prime mortgage and general housing crisis in the US. The country has enjoyed significant economic prosperity and both Clinton and Bush boasted economic growth under their reign. Unfortunately, the beneficiaries of the economic boom are not people from all economic backgrounds, but rather the top 10%. To make things worse, Bush gave tax cuts mainly targeting the top 10%. Being more of a numbers guy, I always wanted showing the validity of the-rich-get-richer-n-the-poor-get-poorer statement. Thanks to Wikipedia , I have finally found it!! Both the mean and median net worth of families for the bottom 50% of the population has remained absolutely flat while the 75th-90th percentile see a decent growth and the top 10% enjoy the most appreciation on their net worth. So, if you factor in inflation, the-rich-get-richer-n-the-poor-get-poorer probably holds true. The g...